Astronomical Interests

The research area in Astronomy that I love is Exoplanets.

Exoplanets are planets orbiting other stars. The ones discovered so far are primarily in the neighborhood of the solar system. We can learn fascinating things from studying their atmospheres together with their orbits and other physical properties, like for example, how they formed or if they have similarities to the Earth.

Below you can find the research topics on which I have worked by now.

Giant Exoplanets & Brown Dwarfs

Studying the potential differences between these two objects to learn how to classify and identify them is fundamental. Definitions have been considered based on their physical properties, like mass or ability to fuse deuterium, or their chemical composition.


Atmospheric characterization of 24 young, various wide planetary-mass companions and planemos observed with SINFONI at VLT from where we test different formation scenarios. I have deeply studied one of them, known as AB Pic b.

Protoplanetary disks

By studied the continuum emission, gas emission lines, and the scattered emission we aim to understand the properties and structure of the disk where planets are supposed to be forming.

Telescopes & Instruments

I am looking forward to deepening my knowledge of instrumentation in the future. This is not a topic where I am currently active, but it is a topic that motivates me, and I would love to improve my knowledge.

Formation Background


Undergraduate Education

Elementary, Middle and High School at Colegio Suizo de Santiago. ( 2000 - 2014 )

Bachelor of Science in Astronomy at Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile. ( 2015 - 2019 )

Master of Science

Master in Science with mention in Astronomy at the Department of Astronomy, Universidad de Chile.

My master thesis project was supervised by Patricio Rojo, Gaël Chauvin & Mickael Bonnefoy.

Projects & Experience

I studied at the University of Chile. Master. I like teaching .

Astronomy Projects

Atmospheric characterization of AB Pic b, a young, planetary-mass companion observed with SINFONI at VLT on the K band. Including literature data, we modeled the atmosphere, and from its characterization, we studied different formation scenarios to understand its evolutionary history. (Publication in prep.)

Research of the protoplanetary disk rxJ1615. We studied the continuum emission, the 12CO and 13CO emission lines, and the scattered emission to understand the properties and structure of the disk. (Publication in prep.)


Atmósferas como llave para distinguir procesos de formación planetaria: El caso de AB Pic b - Presentation at Jornada FIAS 2021, Universidad de Chile (November, 2021)

Atmospheres of massive planets and brown dwarfs as clue to distinguish between formation mechanisms - Atmospheres, Atmospheres! Atmo 2021 ESO Conference (August, 2021)

Atmospheres of Exoplanetary Analogues - FCLA 2021 Workshop (April, 2019)

Poster presentation : Protoplanetary Disks in Chamaeleon I, Calculation of the alpha index - 4th CECFA, National Congress of Students of Physical and Astronomical Sciences, Chile (August, 2019)

Conferences & Workshops

Summer practice at the European Southern Observatories (ESO) (July/August, 2021)

Participate at the online School KROME Bootcamp 2021 (UdeC, LMU München) (February, 2021)

Student at the IMPRS-HD Summer School (Heidelberg Univerity (September, 2020)

Student at the Code/Astro Workshop (Caltech, California, USA) (June, 2020)

Teacher & Teaching Asistant

Teacher of one course called Experimental Physics at Universidad Andrés Bello (Spring Semester 2020)

Teacher Asistant of more than 15 courses including the Code-Astro Workshops, Electromagnetism, General Astronomy, Experimental Astronomy, and Newtonian Systems, among others.

Get In Touch

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